
Users must be assigned to a user group. Please note that when users are created by default they will have all permissions granted to them. By default users will only be able to see other users within the same group as them.

Creating a User

  1. From the Administration menu, select User Manager.
  2. Select the group the user will be a member of.
  3. Click the icon at the bottom of the Select a User pane.

The User Properties screen opens:

This screen allows you to add the user’s name, email address etc., as well as configure their Startup Module.

Configuring the Users Startup Module

The user startup module is the module users see when they login in to the system. By default this is set to ‘Send a Message’.

To change the module:

  1. Select the drop-down arrow in the Startup Module field.

  2. Select the preferred module.

When you have completed this screen, click the Next button to set the password and password permissions for the user.

Creating a User's Sign on Details

  1. Click the  icon in the User Properties screen to add the Username and Password permissions.

  1. Enter a user name and password, and confirm the password.

Select the Password must be changed at next login check box if you want to set a default password for the user that they will be forced to change when they first log in to the system.

You can also set the date the login expires.

Note: The login will cease to be valid after the expiration date, even if the user changes their password. For example, this could be a useful feature to allow access for a temporary member of staff for a given time period.
  1. Click Create, then Finish when you have completed your required details.

Setting User Permissions

User permissions allows an administrator to specify what their users can see and do in Email Manager.

To set a user's permissions:

  1. Select the Edit Permissions button from the top right of the User Manager homepage.
  2. Under Select a Resource select the object type that you would like to set permissions for.
  3. Permissions can be set for the following:
    • Creative Categories
    • Creatives
    • List Categories
    • Lists
    • Modules
    • Reply to Mailboxes

Setting Permissions for Creative Categories

By default, users who are not Administrators are only able to modify, deploy and report on their own group’s Creatives.

To give permissions to groups, or individuals within groups, to be able to modify, delete or report on Creative categories:

  1. Select the Creative category

  2. In the Edit Permissions panel, locate the relevant group or user and apply the necessary permissions to them.

  3. To exit click Done.


Selecting the permission for the group twice will grant that permission to the group and any child groups within it. Selecting it once will only apply the permissions to the users in that group, for example:

Groups are structured hierarchically, so applying the permissions to a group lower down in the structure, in this case 'Group 2', also applies it to any groups above it, in this case 'Group 1'.

Setting User Permissions for Creatives

Creatives are the child of Creative Categories and therefore if no permissions are set for Creatives then the default permission used is what is selected for the Creative Category

To give permissions to groups or individuals within groups to be able to modify, delete or report on Creatives:

  1. Click Edit Permissions and select the Creatives resource.
  2. In the Edit Permissions panel, locate the relevant group or user and apply the necessary permissions to them.
Note: Selecting the permission for the group twice will grant that permission to the group and any child groups within it. Selecting it once will only apply the permissions to the users in that group.

As groups are structured hierarchically, applying the permissions to a group lower down in the structure will also apply the same permissions to any groups above it.

Setting User Permissions for List Categories

By default, users who are not Administrators are only able to edit properties, edit records or deploy their own list categories.

To give permissions to groups or individuals within groups to be able to edit properties, edit records or deploy list categories:

  1. Select the list category resource.
  2. In the Edit Permissions panel, locate the relevant group or user and apply the necessary permissions to them.
Note: Selecting the permission for the group twice will grant that permission to the group and any child groups within it. Selecting it once will only apply the permissions to the users in that group.

As groups are structured hierarchically applying the permissions to a group lower down in the structure, will also apply the same permissions to any groups above it.

Setting User Permissions for Lists

Lists are the child of list categories and therefore if no permissions are set for Creatives then the default permission used is what is selected for the List Category.

To give permissions to groups or individuals within groups to be able to modify, delete or report on lists:

  1. Select Lists from the resource drop-down.
  2. In the Edit Permissions panel, locate the relevant group or user and apply the necessary permissions to them.

Note: Selecting the permission for the group twice will grant that permission to the group and any child groups within it. Selecting it once will only apply the permissions to the users in that group.

As groups are structured hierarchically applying the permissions to a group lower down in the structure, will also apply the same permissions to any groups above it.

Setting User Permissions for Modules

By default all modules are available to all users, however if you do not want certain users, or groups of users to be able to see certain modules, for example Send a Message then you can edit their permissions so that the module is not visible to them.

To edit module permissions:

  1. Select Modules from the resource drop-down list.

  2. In the Edit Permissions panel, deselect the relevant permission(s), a symbol appears against that group/user:


Setting User Permissions for Reply to Mailboxes

To give permissions to groups or individuals within groups to be able to modify, or deploy reply to mailboxes:

  1. Select the mailbox.

  2. Within Edit Permissions locate the relevant group or user and apply the necessary permissions to them.

Note: Selecting the permission for the group twice will grant that permission to the group and any child groups within it. Selecting it once will only apply the permissions to the users in that group.

As groups are structured hierarchically applying the permissions to a group lower down in the structure, will also apply the same permissions to any groups above it.

Resetting Passwords

Administrators can reset passwords of all users in their group. Normal users can reset their own passwords, but not those of the others in their group. To reset a password:

  1. From the Administration menu, select User Manager.
  2. Select the user whose password you would like to change.
  3. Click the Edit icon  under Select a User.
  4. Select the Logins tab.

  5. Click on the user’s login and select the Edit icon.

  6. Enter a new password and confirm it.

  7. Click Done and then Done again. The password change will take immediate effect.

Editing Users

  1. From the Administration menu, select User Manager.

  2. Select the user whose password you would like to change.

  3. Click the Edit icon  under Select a User.

The User Properties dialogue opens, it contains three tabs:

  • General: includes details such as Name, Title, Language and Startup Module.
  • Logins: allows user names and passwords to be managed.
  • Advanced: Only the ‘Show Peers’ option is available. This option gives users visibility of the objects owned by other users in their group. For example, if a user is in the Admin group and plans to create/modify other admin users they would need this option enabled.

Editing User Permissions

  1. From the Administration menu, select User Manager.
  2. Select the user whose permissions you would like to change.
  3. Click the Edit Permissions button.
  4. Under Select a Resource, select the object type that you wish to edit the users permissions for, and make any necessary changes.
  5. To exit click Done.
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