Introduction to List Management


Email Manager makes it very easy to import data - creating new fields, or mapping to existing fields. We strongly recommend that administrators carefully plan how data will be introduced to the system before training users on the available tools.

Without a data plan, it is very easy to end up with too many fields, which can cause inconsistency and errors at a later stage. We recommend that you read the List Management Troubleshooting section so that you can avoid problems from the start.

Click on List Management from the Services menu.

Lists are a convenient way to organize and update your recipient data. Each of your recipients must be uniquely identified and stored in your Email Manager client database. This is done with the Primary Key field. While a recipient can only appear in the database once, that same recipient can appear on any number of lists. Each recipient data record contains all of the data that you have on that recipient, including which lists they appear on, and all of the data associated with those lists. Best practice is to make consistent use of the "Key" field. For example, you could choose to uniquely identify users by email address or a unique ID number, as long as you are consistent.

When a new list is uploaded, only new recipients are added to the database, existing recipients are updated with the information contained in your list. Each recipient in your database always has the latest information you have uploaded. By setting the propagation level of a particular field it is possible for Values for a given recipient to differ from list to list. See the Adding a New List topic for further information on setting the appropriate propagation level. 

When you upload a new list, Email Manager will remind you that you will be updating certain records.

The List Management screen has got three panes:

  1. Select List Category - This is the category view. You will first need to select a category to add your new list to. New Categories can be created by clicking the icon. Sub-folders can be created by selecting the parent folder and then clicking the  icon. Category names can be edited by clicking the icon, or deleted by clicking the icon.

  2. Select List - Shows all Lists in the selected category.   Select the List you are interested in by clicking on it. Edit a list by selecting it then clicking the  icon, delete a list by clicking the  icon, add a new List by clicking the  icon, and run a query by clicking the  icon.

  3. Selected List - The properties of the selected List are displayed here.  Click the Edit List Properties button to edit the list name or change its category.  You may also edit the list's Opt-in and Opt-out properties here.


For importing very large lists (>500mb) into Email Manager, it is recommended that you use the Drop Folder functionality. Drop Folders allow you to transmit list files via standard FTP directly to EM servers for automatic loading and availability within the system.

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