Email Manager - GDC FORMS


Auto Send on Submission

GDC forms have the capability to send a message to recipients who complete the form.


  1. Create a response email and create a test list with the relevant fields.
  2. In Send a Message, select the campaign creative that you wish to send a completion message to recipients that have completed the GDC form.
    1. Set up a deployment using your test recipient list.
    2. Map the Recipient Email and Recipient Alias to the respective fields in your list.
    3. Set-up any other user defined variables the way you want them, and then select the HTML/Text parts of the email that you want autosend to send.
  1. Send your message.
  2. Go to Deployment Manager to obtain the deployment ID.
  3. Add the Deployment ID to your GDC form by adding a hidden input element to your form where name = {Sendmessage: deploymentid}.

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